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Offering economical marketing, writing, information, and technical solutions for businesses, both large and small... We especially seek unique, small or "niche" products, businesses, hobbyists and entrepreneurs, because we understand the spirit of the individual or an enterprise that bends
the rules a bit or perhaps DOES NOT "Conform"? Plus, we understand the small budget and the
need for creative solutions to solving problems.

However, you'll find that MARKETING and ADVERTISING will be one of your greatest expenses... And if done properly can SAVE you lots of money. Or if done improperly could waste you plenty
of money that could be better spent in other areas of your business? Therefore, you should have
a strategy that will get your product, information, or your service the most exposure for the least amount of money!

And if you are using the Internet to promote your business or to promote yourself, you'll find that
just being on the Internet or having a Web Presence will not be enough, since there are literally
BILLIONS of Websites, links, and pages out there! Therefore, if you want to get "noticed" you'll
need a combination of media in order to "get out" your message.

Our marketing experience dates back to 1978... Plus we have the technical and the practical
experience in a number of disciplines ( including LOW voltage electricity, electronics, design,
light construction, and repair ) to promote a wide range of businesses ; to outline any product,
describe any process or service... And this includes rewriting / editing Web pages as well as
many other types of document. Or putting the right "spin" into your advertising. Including any dating or "personals" advertising!

SOCIAL NETWORK: We will be establishing the first offline or "underground" social network.
And what this means is that you will be able to network partially "off the grid" or independent
of the Internet. So, even if you DON'T have a computer or an Internet connection or the other
person does not have the Internet such as a Senior. Or if you prefer to communicate without
Internet spies, etc. peeking at all of your messages or pictures we will help you to establish
an alternative network.   
This will give you more security, freedom and privacy, because you'll be listed coded under
what we call an "Alias" or pen name and any initial messages will be "forwarded" or relayed
between members to permit for better screening... So, unlike Facebook, our social network
is designed for greater privacy as opposed to the whole world knowing all of your business.
Thus, you could be a fairly high profile person or a professional, etc., and nobody will know
your true identity. And again, our network is more friendly toward Seniors or anyone who is
not as current with the latest technologies.
We also will not collect, "mine" or share our members' data... Most popular search as well
as social networks, cell phone networks, etc., unfortunately do collect and track messages
as well as personal information. However, we only file basic name and address information,
and do so "offline" for added security... And any communications between you and another
member will be more personal "1 on 1" as opposed to out in the open on a central network.
So, we won't monitor your communications other than for positive or negative feeback from
other members with regard to your conduct, etc.
This is also the first social network where you can make MONEY by others responding to
your ad as well as from sending others to our network... Thus, if anyone responds to your
ad and they are NOT a member and they give us your "Alias" or member pen code when
they sign up, they get a $5.00 Discount and you'll earn $5.00 credit... Or if you know any
persons who you think might want to join our network, simply give them your Alias or pen
name to put on their application and when they join, you receive the credit and they get a
discount. So, this can be an easy way to make extra money.
You will also be permitted to network for anything from searching for a job to promoting a
small business or a special interest... So, if you have a special hobby, or a special talent
that you would like to publicize, simply run it by us and we'll see what we can do as one
of our missions is to help small businesses, enterprises and the little guy get over, since
mainstream politicians and corporations don't give a SHIT about us. And things are likely
not going to get much better. So, join our network to get help from other members and to
become much better informed and able to see through all the mainstream crap.